Psychocats Journey

Saturday, February 20, 2010

blah, blah, blah

Hey there ladies...
I thought I ought to write...

I am seriously disturbed by some of my thinking... Like I have been doing pretty well mood wise but I think with my mood better my eating/weight is gone bad. I am not losing, I am having a heck of a time controlling what i am eating.
I am so DISGUSTINGLY fat i want to puke.

At one point last week I weighed in at 168! It was at night but still! That is almost 40 lbs more than september! It is DISGUSTING!

I feel like I have no control. I feel like a failure, I want to be able to restrict and get smaller.

I like my bones. I may not entirely be able to see them when i weigh less but I can feel them.I miss that. I miss laying on my back and running my fingers along my ribcage. Feeling the jutting of my hip bones. I rarely saw them but my vision of myself is whacked. Feeling them was at least a small assurance that I wasn't a total failure.

It doesn't help I am not too active. I am not a huge fan of exercise... I know, I know exercise stimulates your metabolism and weight loss. I just do not have the will power to force myself. I do it for a couple days but stop.

I should do a regular exercise time... Like everyday at 7 pm I exercise for at minimum 30 minutes (add more as I get used to it)

I should be able to do that... I heard that if you do something around 20 days in a row consistently it becomes more habit.

I have been doing something similar with eating breakfast... eating breakfast when I get up for the day. I don't really like it but I am getting used to it.

Uggg it is 1 am, I am not real tired but what is new I am at my sisters... my nephew had his birthday party today (well I guess yesterday now) and Later today (Saturday) my nephew has his soccer tournament. I plan on going to that... Yay it is good support for him. I just hope I can stay focused. I dont want to be rude and like bring something to do either. But sports are not really my thing.

Ummmm Tigers birthday is this month... i got him another toy (not surprising lol)
I miss him when I am at my sisters... This coming week is going to be horrible. My sister is having surgery monday so I am going to be at my sisters till like thursday/friday. I dont want to uproot tiger and bring him to my sisters... but man I am going to miss him... i hope i will be able to visit.

So yeah that is my coming week... I have my therapy appointment monday and my psychiatrist wednesday...

Alright I guess this is it for tonight.

1 comment:

Laila said...

huni,i'm so sorry to hear about the stupid scale...if we only didn't have the chanse to weigh our selves..i think things would be so easier...when we have that number screaming at us,its win or die..

very frustrating..i know exactly what you mean about your bones..just feel them better is a good feeling..even if you dont see them...I'm sure you'll get back at that one day my love.

tiger will be there waiting for you to come back huni,he will miss you just as much as you'll miss him :)

take good care of your self sweetheart.

love you <3
