Psychocats Journey

Monday, July 4, 2011

hey... weight same as yesterday 119.8 but i cant complain because I was at a picnic/party all day yesterday so I am glad I didnt gain

Yesterday was eventful... bad news first... Kayla broke her leg, she was bike riding a fell somehow, she broke the tibia up near her knee...

She missed the picnic and fireworks but she is doing okay now

At the picnic things were good, my sister Mandy asked me to keep an eye on her little one (Pierce, almost 2 yrs old) and she would pay me... so I kept busy running around with him, and even going in the bounce house jumping with him... Let me tell you Pierce is very active! (what 2 yr old isnt)
So I definitely burned more calories and made $20 doing it.

I purged 2 times at the picnic, (when i was no longer responsible for Pierce), I only ate when i knew i was going to purged. I didnt have anyone give me gripe for my weight or eating (thank goodness). My sisters dads wife asked me some questions, asked if my weightloss was on purpose, kind of odd talking to her because i see her maybe once a year...

Good news... the lax i took the night before worked before the picnic so i was alright
I took lax last night and im not sure how to take this but didnt really make me go just gave me gas... i dont know if that means I purged good and there was nothing in me (a good thought) but that also means the weight being up to 119.8 means real weight gain... Not GOOD

I have therapy tomorrow... not sure what is going to happen... probably not much...

I took a picture of the bathing suit I bought... (I wore it when the fireworks were going off, everyone was watching them and I got in the hot tub) Nice because I had it all to myself.

ohh and the picture of my sunburn... it still gets red at night...

Alright... ive got to get going... binging right now gotta purge soon... had 3 bps today

1 comment:

Laila said...

the cutest bathingsuit :D
It really hurts being sunburned...i got burned AGAIN today...sigh...
Hope your doing alright huni :)
