Psychocats Journey

Monday, September 13, 2010

hey... just an update real quick im heading for bed

weekend was crazy... nick got hurt in his football game on saturday, spent 5 hours in the emergency room with him... he didnt break his leg but messed up his knee. He has to see a sports injury specialist.
We had Kaylas birthday party on sunday... was nice it was her first one with friends from school... she was so hyper. lol

ummm ed front? confused... I weighed myself and the scale is up yet again... I told my therapist today that I was think I have to go back to the ed if I dont want to keep gaining weight... she suggested I call my psychiatrist and see if she will alter some of my meds because she believes it is the med that is making me gain. I have been eating alright, not over eating... and the weight is still adding... something needs to change.

I purged today and have only eaten some cereal and milk (only 1 bowl) and kept that in...

I really suck with getting better... Alright gotta go... Mark wants to come over in the morning... but can only stay and hour :(

1 comment:

Laila said...

hey hun.

aaaw,poor little can be very rough,haha. Hope his knee get better soon tho.

I can understand Kayla,its fun to have lots of friends over for her b-day,and lots of presents of cours..hehe.

Gaining sucks..just want you to go back to old ways...It can be your meds that increas your cravings,hope you find out about it..

I have moved my blog btw,to wordpress. Will delete this blogspot blog as soon as I figure outeverything with wordpress,haha. Same old blog tho,just a different blogplatform.

new add:

love you <3

ooh,have fun tomorrow with Mark ;)