Psychocats Journey

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hey... just wanted to say hi and how my day went... got up at 5 am and my sister and I left to drive 4 hours to see my mom... (I am so very lucky to have my sister)
My mom is still in the hospital... she looks so different than the last time I saw her... so skinny and frail looking. It has been 4 years...

Talked to the doctors and charge nurse and they are not sure what is going on... she has been in the hospital for over a week and they dont know. My mom believes she does not have breast cancer, I want her to get a second opinion because scar tissue does not just develop out of nowhere.

I sat with my mom during her physical therapy... she cannot stand by herself, let alone walk... it was very shocking to see her like this.

The doctors are talking about transferring her to a different hospital, my mom, myself and renee (my sister) talked about her being transfered somewhere up near where I live. My mom has pretty much decided that she will do this... it is hard to think about though because as it is right now if she is diagnosed in the hospital she will be sent to a rehab facility... or nursing home. My mom is only 49, a nursing may not be the long term answer if she can learn to walk and get around safely. But right now that is not possible.

The problem is her brain... something is wrong... they are talking about huntingtons disease, a genetic disorder... (Recently at my apartment complex a man died from this disease) so it can be lethal. but it also can take years to ruin your body.

My sister said something odd... my mom was eating her lunch and my sister was looking kind of past my mom at the tv and my mom thought she was watching her eat... she asked my sister to not watch her eat. my sister said 'do you have an eating disorder' and now she is almost insistent that she does because we are similar in a lot of that area... my mom has lost a lot of weight recently, I mean like close to 50 pounds since january... but when i saw her in 2006 she was heavyset... I would say about 250... but now she barely weighs 140, (and she is taller than me)
So my sister thinks that because of this and just talking to her she believes my mom has an eating disorder.. I dont know what to believe, I see similarities but she might just be a healthy eater. (and she walks a lot)

Either way if it is from what is making her so sick or if it is an eating disorder there is still something wrong.

I dont really like the idea of her having an ed either... well i dont like the fact that people have them at all but I have grown to accept that... but my mom? that feels different and bad I dont want her to have felt the way I felt... well I dont wish that on anyone but i dont know i am confusing myself sorry if i put my foot in my mouth...

Thats is for now... I am so tired... its after 10 pm and I have to be up at 8 am... will write more later and post a picture of me and my mom

1 comment:

Laila said...

hey hun.

sorry to hear about your you think she has an ed? when someone is sick its no unusual the lose weight tho...its weird they dont know whats wrong with her..hope you get some answers soon..

hope you are doing well hun.
love you <3