Psychocats Journey

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

well today has been one of those days... uggg...

my mom is definitely going to a nursing home... i am trying to make it so she can come to the one up near me. so much work and i tell you it is frustrating as all get out... ridiculous

my niece turned off my cell phone today... very mad about that... she said i was talking to renee about her and her boyfriend and talking crap... she said she wanted the phone back. i asked her what she was talking about and then if she would wait to turn off my phone till i got paid... nope of course not stupid me
i did ask renee to be on her plan... now why did she have me go with jess... now im screwed

renee is supposed to be asking her boyfriend if i can have his extra line but who knows if i can... i am willing to pay...

so tired... fat and tired... thats me

i went back to the library today... first time in over a year... it was not horrible... the building didn't fall in on me... i am still alive and well... I go back monday... we will see how often i can go and be good

school starts back up soon...

tiger has a vet appointment on the 7th of sept. fun...
alright my bed is calling me <3

1 comment:

Laila said...

hope your get into a nursing home close to you,its important she hasher family around when she is sick..

omg,how rude turning your phone off,hope things turn out the best way,so you have a phone at least..feel very lost without one...thats for sure..

take good care of your self my love.

hugs <3