Psychocats Journey

Thursday, April 22, 2010

have been all tired and worn out today... stupid me...
i had my appointment with my case worker today... went alright...
i went back to bed after...

my sister called asked if the kids could come spend the night... i said yeah... i texted her  an hour or so ago said that i would need them to bring a few things i had no milk, cereal or bread. so she texted me if i needed money then... i said no as long as they can bring a few things... then she said never mind the kids can stay home.
UGGGg i hate that I was ready to watch the kids, no i wasnt asking for money but I want the kids to be able to eat. It is one thing for me to deny myself food but to deny them... sorry that is not me...

uggg she really annoyed me... i texted her a very long text but she hasnt answered. I tried calling twice and tried my nephews phone as well... no answers
alright good night my loves...

1 comment:

Laila said...

omg...that was rude i will could she even be annoyed by this??


hope you get some sleep tonight,so you get a better day tomorrow huni.
