Psychocats Journey

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hi just thought i would stop by... kinda pissed at myself... i ate earlier and for some reason i couldn't purge all... i drank extra water 2 times... waited 20 minutes retried... cannot eat muffin mix made into cake like thing ever again. I was down to 152 this morning too... not now... i took lax i know it doesn't really help but i had to do something
I am going to work for my friend tomorrow... a little money will last me a day or 2... but it is something...

I put kaylas dance recital on here, i am sure you saw it because it is right up top there... I know neither of you can really know which person is kayla sorry i didnt figure out how to say her name where she was dancing... but there are a couple still pictures in the movie... She was Awesome... So proud of her.

Alright just wanted to post a little.... thats it... i need to head to bed... i want to get myself out of bed earlier... go walking before my appointment at 1 and then work for Nancy at 3:30 or so...


Laila said...

hey hun.

gawd,i hate things that wont come up again..thats the scary thing about eating things like bread or anything close to bread...Hope it doesn't effect your weight tho.

enjoy your walk,i'm on my way for a walk too right now.

love you <3

Gronk11 said...

Kristi, of COURSE I knew which one was Kayla haha. It's a really cute video.