Psychocats Journey

Monday, May 31, 2010

I thought I would let you guys know I accomplished my goal! I was thrilled when I figured it out... Are you ready for the numbers? *starts drum roll* lol
I did 222.09 miles in May! Wow I can't believe it either... well my legs can lol... I should not really be surprised that is just over 7 miles a day... 

 had some nice warm weather here... kinda humid too so I have been having to walk later in the day... that kinda messes up the time frame available to walk but I don't walk after dark either... But it is healthier than getting stuck out walking and passing out or something. I bring water or an electrolyte beverage.  I have been getting dizzy at times so yeah I have got to be careful. 

ive got therapy tomorrow lets see what kind of crap is going to happen 

1 comment:

Laila said...

well done with all your walking huni,i knew you would make it :D

hope therapy will be alright!!!

take good care of your self sweetie.

love you <3