Psychocats Journey

Sunday, May 1, 2011

blah weight 132.8 no change... ugg

tomorrow is the last day for the weightloss competition... I was hoping to get a little lower.

today i had 2 bps... rather large ones too... last bp pre-purge 144.4 and post purge 134.2

im tired... i dont have therapy tomorrow... i have it on tuesday instead...

so much for my thoughts last week on stopping bping... didnt make it 1 day... but at least i had a couple moments of strength. not eating to the fullest, stopping myself early... but i should have done more...
the last couple days i have had no resisting bp blah im fat

i really hate when the inside of your nose smells like vomit. ive changed, i washed, but the smell is still there. I wish I could wash the inside of my nose

i hate feeling fat... blah...

1 comment:

Laila said...

No change is better then gaining..
Good thing you manage to stop your self before you eat huge amount of food,at least its something..
