Psychocats Journey

Saturday, May 7, 2011

weight BLAHH 133.8 ?? Why I dont know...

I REALLY dont think tomorrows weight is going to be any better. I went over to my nieces house and had a 'dinner' there, I didnt binge but I ate some ham, potatoes, and corn, then a little bit later some apple pie... I purged... not like I would at home because I didnt have the time or the safe privacy.
I got to my parents house... helped my mom with some stuff, ate a little, helped my mom on the computer, showered (purged), still couldnt do the purging like I usually do. No rinsing or anything. But I purged about 3 pounds.
I am waiting for everyone to go to bed so I can find some food to eat... I WANT TO EAT SO BAD, my mom just went upstairs. THANKFULLY she cant make me go to bed when she wants me to.
I dont know what I am going to find to eat... i cant really cook anything, or get anything too big because this is not my house and not my food. I dont want to be caught either.

UGGGG what to do what to do????

Alright im gonna go look around a bit... i will write tomorrow...
about my nasty weight and fatness... uggg

i am taking my camera so maybe i might get a couple shots of family and me...

1 comment:

Laila said...

Hope you came through the night without mia being too hard on you.
Hope your day has been good to you huni <3