Psychocats Journey

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

hey... weight 130.0

today I didnt do much... bp'd earlier... french fries, cereal and hot dogs, whats nasty is ive noticed whenever I have milk with cereal (for a binge) the milk like separates in my stomach, its nasty I get clumps of white stuff, like mushy cottage cheese. It is so gross... I have to stop eating cereal or drinking milk when I purge. just thinking about it as I am writing just grosses me out.

My after purge weight was 129.8! Holy cow, i couldnt believe it... I am rarely ever the same weight as my morning weight let alone below it! I hope after this binge I just finished I am still low... Tomorrow I will be in the 120s! YAY!!!

I just finished eating a big bowl of macaroni salad, it was alright well pretty good... I like potato salad more but I had some pasta and tuna, and put some celery and 4 hard boiled eggs

well i guess that is it... i dont have much to say today...

1 comment:

Laila said...

Wow,its for darn sure you dont have a plateau anymore,lol..
