Psychocats Journey

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ugg I feel so utterly disgusting...

I am so NAUSEOUS blech... I purged when I got home... but I couldnt when at my sisters. I was 133.8 before and after 127.6, uggg thats is an end of day weight... I just ate a piece of bread because I am so nauseous.

A bad thunderstorm is coming through so I will make this short, I dont like the computer on with this much lightening. Its like several times a minute right now and its not raining yet. Thundering for the last 10 minutes.

Alright so weight this morning was 125.4, but I think it would have been lower if I did it at my regular time. Tomorrow is going to be early as well, I am gonna hold off measurements till maybe tuesday.

I am taking 1 lax tonight... hopefully it will help a little with going yet not make tomorrows party unbearable. I WILL purge tomorrow at the party. It is at my parents house... it is kinda sucky because their bathroom does not have a lock though... I just have to be careful.

NO body said anything about my weight today, THANK GOD! I was so scared of getting nagged at. I noticed my collarbones so much at the restaurant (they had mirrors on the wall).

Alright weather is worse... i will write tomorrow, probably late again.

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