Psychocats Journey

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

uggg im waiting for my adoptive mom to bring over the money for my bus ticket, I wanted to take it down to the bank and order the ticket tonight... she said she would be here after she got out of work (at 3) it is now 20 to 6. I called and she said she would leave soon and that was at 4:50. grrr
There will be enough money left over that I can pick up a couple things at the store too... I really want to get some food... I have not bp'd today... I am HUNGRY, I have eaten a little too, blahhh, 4 slices of pineapple, 1 rice cake with 1 teaspoon peanut butter and 1 teaspoon brown sugar splenda, and 2 almonds. Blahh FATTY

my weight was 133.0 AGAIN but at least it was not a gain

I put on a pair of capris today... a size 4 but I dont think they are accurate in size because I tried on the 5s at the store last week and they didnt fit. But it is nice to fit in these, i couldnt wear them at all last summer.

Ugg crap, I was sitting outside again today. I put on sunscreen BUT I STILL BURNED AGAIN!!! I absolutely LOVE sitting out in the sun though. uggg stupid me

1 comment:

Laila said...

Hope your mom finally arrived and you got your ticket ready.
Omg YES,I cant stay away form the sun eighter,haha. I really have to be carefull,cause my skin is so tender,so i easily get burned,but hey,I cant sit inside all day when the sun is shining either..

Hope you get a good nights sleep when you get in bed huni.

Love you <3