Psychocats Journey

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hey my weight was 138.6 ehh but it could have gone up more so okay

Oh My GOSH it is SNOWING!! UGGG I HATE SNOW!!! it wont stick i hope... and its 42 degrees out? BLAH!

Just bp'd
2 popcans of cinnamon rolls (like 16 total)
6 chicken patties
1/2 bag of french fries
32 oz water
Pre purge 147.8, post purge (and a bm) 138.4

God I hate lax but I am SO GLAD they worked this time. I know TMI but most of it was rock hard balls... uggg I wish I could get like a colonic and have my washed out in there... I HATE bms

okay sorry i know that was gross

I should drink some powerade zero... make sure I dont get dehydrated from lax use

hmmm tired... if my therapist mentions anything about weightloss I am going to tell her I lost what I gained at my sisters... not telling numbers though

I want to ask my case worker to get me some food with the funds that she is allowed to use for me... but i dont know I feel like I should just go without. But then when I do I get crazy and when it has gotten really bad in the past I have stolen... I do NOT want to do that.

uggg I have an appointment with my dr this week (friday) and I have lost about 15 more pounds since I last saw her.

I wanted to chop my legs off last night and this morning... uggg its a bit better right now but SERIOUSLY my legs BETTER stop acting up!

Alright thats its for now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess your Dr. will notice the weightloss prepear for that..

Take good care of yourselfalright huni?

love you