Psychocats Journey

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Im okay today... cold but I just took a hot shower to help that out... now just my head is cold... hair takes forever to dry and I dont have/ or like hairdryers

So I was pretty happy when I saw my weight this morning, not like actually smiling but like ohh yay!
138.4... surprised it is down so much but at the same time im not because my bedtime weight last night was 140.8

i went to the store... spent $15 of my last $20... blah

just bpd before my shower... a package of turkey bolonga, a just baked chocolate chip cookies, 6 pieces of bread. pre-purge 146.0, post purge 139.0

ummm i wanna crochet some more.... might do that shortly...should try not to bp again at least until later (like 7-8 tonight)

alright talk more later

1 comment:

Laila said...

Oh my gad!! the 30's!!! I'm so exited for you huni! Hope your day wont be just bp-ing,hope you get to do something good for yourself as well :)
