Psychocats Journey

Monday, July 11, 2011

hey... weight 118.0 and 117.8 so 118.0

I am feeling very frustrated. I had therapy this morning... My therapist is at the point where she wants me in the hospital.
No one really seems to care that I feel fine.

My therapist says my judgement  doesnt not matter right now, my cognitive functions are decreased (yet I can still read and do other activities alright) I dont know

I like the sound of not bping and eating normally but as soon as I remember I will gain weight it is like a giant red stop sign in my head, saying STOP! YOU CANT GAIN WEIGHT! If I could get around that it would be better but right now that is enough to keep me from eating or keeping food down.

I feel really stuck. If I dont go to the partial I am going to be put in-patient but will the partial be helpful if I am not totally in for recovery? If I am only half way?

I was hoping transportation was not going to work out for me to go to the partial but a couple hours ago my case worker called and she told me they were able to figure it out. So the option for the partial is positively there.

I really dont know what to think, I was told to do some thinking but my thoughts just keep going in a circle
Its pointless

1 comment:

Laila said...

All that is in my head now is to lose weight. I have no motivation for getting into is so hard. And it might even take up to a year before there will a place for me there...and still I'm freaking out already....its insane huni.
Hang in there,you're not alone <3