Psychocats Journey

Sunday, July 10, 2011

uggg... I think I am at a plateau weight wise... I have been stuck at 118-119 (plus or minus a pound) since the 21st of last month, alright enough is enough lets get this weight moving down again

I went over to my sisters for a little while yesterday, did laundry and hung around with Kayla. I brought some beads over and we decorated her crutches a little... and she made a bracelet and necklace.

At one point Kayla was beading and I was sitting next to her helping and her mom was making Kayla a hot dog and Kayla started telling her mom to make one for me, that I wanted one... I said no its okay... Kayla had already eaten one and she said I want only half, will you have the other half? I agreed... It was very strange for Kayla to be so adamant that I eat, I worry that I am scaring/worrying her with my weight loss. Maybe it was nothing but it was very strange.

I did alright today... I made it to 6 pm before I ate, I was thinking of fasting but then after taking a nap I just started eating... ehh oh well I dont really do fasting well anyway.

I have therapy tomorrow... I havnt heard anything from her or my case worker regarding treatment so we will see what she has to say tomorrow... I have my psychiatrist on tuesday...
My therapist should not complain I havnt lost any weight in the last few weeks... (which SUCKS)

I dont know... hey here are my guys... I love them SO MUCH!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with therapy huni,I have an app. tomorrow as well..
